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in Morgan, Minnesota
J.K. Pasture Farm was established in October 2019!
Our fluffle (that is what a group of bunnies is called) is slowly growing!
J.K. Pasture Farm is now offering a traveling Storytime Program. We hope to work with Libraries and Schools to bring children and bunnies together with the love of reading!
J.K. Pasture Farm’s Traveling Bunny Petting Zoo is perfect for birthday parties, schools, senior centers, festivals, city celebrations, and more!
Allysa and Chloe created The Bee & Bee Project and it’s main goal is to spread knowledge about native stem nesting bees like mason bees and leafcutter bees.
Allysa became a UMN Master Gardener Intern in 2021, and earned the title of Certified Master Gardener as of 2022.
Our biggest goal is to bring joy to our community, as well as many more! We want to keep charges low so anyone could book an event or program with our rabbits! Even a small donation could help a facility with a small budget!
Thank you for your support!
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